Medtner • Scriabin

Medtner • Scriabin

Medtner: Piano Concerto No. 3; Scriabin: Piano Concerto

Published: January 20, 2015 at 2:45 pm

‘These are superb performances of two underestimated concertos, of which Scriabin’s is perhaps the best known … The Bergen musicians’ playing is highly polished and finely attuned to Sudbin’s rhetorical approach’ – Daniel Jaffé

Medtner • Scriabin

Medtner: Piano Concerto No. 3; Scriabin: Piano Concerto

Yevgeny Sudbin (piano); Berge Philharmonic Orchestra/Andrew Litton

BIS 2088 (hybrid CD/SACD)

Read a full review in the February issue of BBC Music Magazine

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