Gloucester cathedral celebrates composer Ivor Gurney in stained-glass window

Gloucester cathedral celebrates composer Ivor Gurney in stained-glass window

Memorial window in Lady Chapel to commemorate local poet and composer

Published: July 2, 2013 at 7:50 am

Gloucester cathedral is to celebrate the life of composer and poet, Ivor Gurney, by commissioning a new stained-glass window for its 15th-century Lady Chapel.

Gurney was born and bred in Gloucester, beginning his musical education there as a chorister in 1900.

It was during this time that he met fellow composer Herbert Howells, who would become a lifelong friend. Both were present at the cathedral to hear the premiere of Vaughan Williams’s Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis at the Three Choirs Festival in 1910, an event that convinced both young men to become composers.

The cathedral, with the help of the mezzo-soprano Sarah Connolly, have organised a charity festival on 31 August to help raise funds for the window, which will be designed by local artist Thomas Denny. Connolly will perform, alongside actor Simon Callow and a host of British singers, including tenor James Gilchrist and soprano Dame Felicity Lott. The programme will include many of Gurney's best-loved works as well as music by his contemporaries.

Neil Smith

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