What are the lyrics to Serbia's national anthem?

Here are the lyrics to the Serbian national anthem in English

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Published: October 5, 2022 at 7:49 pm

Who wrote the Serbian national anthem?

When Milan Obrenović came to Serbia's throne as Prince of Serbia in 1872, following the assassination of Prince Mihailo, he asked for a play to be written that glorified Serbian history and the Obrenović dynasty at Belgrade's national theatre.

Alongside the play Davorin Jenko composed and wrote Bože pravde, which soon became popular. 10 years later, in 1882, to celebrate Milan Obrenović becoming king of Serbia he reworked the lyrics and his new version became the first official anthem of Serbia.

Since then it has been both in and out of favour depending on the Serbian rulers, the longest period out of favour being between 1945 and 1992, when Serbia was part of Yugoslavia. But the song was never forgotten and today Bože pravde is the national anthem of Serbia and played at state and sporting occasions.

Serbian national anthem lyrics in English

God of Justice; Thou who saved us when in deepest bondage cast, Hear Thy Serbian children's voices, Be our help as in the past.

With Thy mighty hand sustain us, Still our rugged pathway trace; ???? God, our hope; protect and cherish, Serbian lands and Serbian race! ????

II Bind in closest links our kindred Teach the love that will not fail, May the loathed fiend of discord Never in our ranks prevail.

Let the golden fruits of union Our young tree of freedom grace; God, our Master! Guide and prosper, Serbian lands and Serbian race! ????

III Lord! Avert from us Thy vengeance, Thunder of Thy dreaded ire; Bless each Serbian town and hamlet, Mountain, meadow, hearth and spire!

When our host goes forth to battle Death or victory to embrace- ???? God of armies! Be our leader, Strengthen then the Serbian race! ????

IV On our sepulcher of ages Breaks the resurrection morn, From the slough of direst slavery Serbia anew is born.

Through five hundred years of durance We have knelt before Thy face, ???? All our kin, O God! Deliver, Thus entreats the Serbian race!

Original Serbian national anthem lyrics

Боже правде, ти што спасе од пропасти досад нас, чуј и од сад наше гласе од сад нам буди спас.

Моћном руком води, брани будућности српске брод, Боже спаси, Боже xрани, српске земље, српски род!

II Сложи српску браћу драгу на свак дичан славан рад, слога биће пораз врагу а најјачи српству град.

Нек на српској блиста грани братске слоге златан плод, Боже спаси, Боже xрани српске земље, српски род!

III Нек на српско ведро чело твог не падне гнева гром Благослови Србу село поље, њиву, град и дом!

Кад наступе борбе дани к победи му води ход ???? Боже спаси, Боже xрани српске земље, српски род!

IV Из мрачнога сину гроба српске славе нови сјај настало је ново доба Нову срећу, Боже дај!

Отаџбину српску брани петвековне борбе плод Боже спаси, Боже брани моли ти се српски род!

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