Sonia Ganassi reviews
Donizetti: Enrico di Borgogna
Anna Bonitatibus, Francesco Castoro et al, Donizetti Opera Choir; Academia Montis Regalis/Alessandro De Marchi; Dir. Silvia Paoli (Bergamo, 2018) (Dynamic DVD)
Watch Antonio Pappano conduct Bellini's Norma
First staged on 12 September 2016, the Royal Opera’s new Normawas the work of Spanish director Alex Ollé, one of the artistic co-directors of the theatre group La Fura dels Baus. In a programme note included with this DVD/Blu-ray release he asks the rhetorical questions, ‘Some will see [Norma] as a traitor to her country and her religion, but what is she really guilty of having done? Falling in love?